Monday, July 7, 2014's Crunchin' Episode

Forgot to mention I was going to be on another of Crunchin' last Saturday. Then again the last time i was on it was called Meshed Up. Thought I would put that part of my digital life behind me but you grow as a person and don't let anything get in your way.

Any who the them was swamp thing and it went down really well. Yea I crashed a few times thank god for quick save to I never lost that much work the few times it happened. I went in sculpting Creature from the Black Lagoon and ended with an entire little scene of him coming out of the swamp. Kept it black and white reminiscent of the original movie.

Wait... why am I describing it? Posting it up below the post for everyone to check out now. Low. See below for the work in progress shot and search Zbrushhangout Crunchin on youtube and watch the first two episodes. Check out my facebook for the link to the show as well.

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