Thursday, August 20, 2015

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Raziel Fan Art Progress

So the Retrogasm Art Competition went up on facebook. Link to the contest here ----->

. ith some epic prizes. I decided to join in with a game from my PS1 days. Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver. I was nostalgically remembering the Playstation demo discs when I chose Raziel.

Here is the first sketch pass on the vampiric wraith himself. Roughed out the areas.

More coming soon.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Hey Team. Update and Patreon News

Patreon is picking up steam! It's gaining a small start and I have content planned all the way through next August. You can check it out and subscribe -----> HERE.

I'm also supporting a few creators on there. More about that on the page itself. But It's my way of helping others achieve their goals the same way, you all encourage me in mine.

New content schedule on youtube. New timelapses every Tuesday and Friday.
I'm moving my facebook and,other portfolios, and websites to being more finished quality only. That means that yay for my bloggers! More work in progress an inside shots here and on patreon.

Going to do my best to make sure I keep content flowing through here.
If you have any questions or feedback or whatever on anything I post feel free to drop me a line.