Friday, November 27, 2015

Official Amazon Affiliate

Today has been a most productive day. I am not a registered affiliate of Amazon and as such will try to keep my stuff relevant. So yea no spamming links and the links I do provide will hopefully only enrich or provide optional resource for anything I post.

Also thinking of adding new programs to my channel on youtube. More details coming, but like a general work review and crit program.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Hope everyone had an amazing night last night. Eating, drinking, being merry. Shopping and elbowing someone's grandma for a sweet deal!

Anywho I drank, I ate, I....drank some more... No seriously it got real. Ever hit that point in drinking where everything is just that much better!!! I'm playing DJ, playing Cards Against Humanity and working on some sick new figures coming out for a couple of clients and I'm loving it.

However Captain Morgan, 3D and too much food don't mix so yea... Still had fun. So enjoy this video while I crank out some more art:

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Playing catch up

                      Have you ever been so engrossed in one aspect of your profession that you box yourself into a niche unintentionally. I've been hashing it out in my head, how much I'd like to try my hand at applying to game studios and the problem is actually that while I have the skills I don't necessarily have a portfolio catered to that aspect of my 3D work. I have been doing toys and collectibles, which is great but I doesn't really show that I can do much more than just sculpt. How does one find the time to explore new venues without taking a hit to income?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A lot of new work.

Very excited. Finished up a recent miniatures job and got an even bigger one in return. The opportunities are huge lately. I don't even know who to thank. As soon as I can I'll share images of the last job. For now all I can say is Marvel.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Let's Talk Pluralsight.

So this is in no way advertising... well I guess it is. I mean I'm not getting paid to do it. It'd be cool if I was but eh...

Anywho onto the meat and potatoes. I'm not sure if Pluralsight is partnered with or bought out Digital Tutors but they are together now and It's pretty cool. I have been juggling getting a digital tutors subscription as of late so it's cool to see there are even more options. One thing I've discovered in my browsing is the amount of free pro written articles. They are publically assessible even if you don't have a subscription and they offer a good amount of quality reading for various topics.

Even my wife listened in on a few as I read some covering Steam Asset Creation and avoiding work burnout.

Anyway I'm going to read a few more pages of content. I'll share any I find particularly striking.