Monday, November 16, 2015

Let's Talk Pluralsight.

So this is in no way advertising... well I guess it is. I mean I'm not getting paid to do it. It'd be cool if I was but eh...

Anywho onto the meat and potatoes. I'm not sure if Pluralsight is partnered with or bought out Digital Tutors but they are together now and It's pretty cool. I have been juggling getting a digital tutors subscription as of late so it's cool to see there are even more options. One thing I've discovered in my browsing is the amount of free pro written articles. They are publically assessible even if you don't have a subscription and they offer a good amount of quality reading for various topics.

Even my wife listened in on a few as I read some covering Steam Asset Creation and avoiding work burnout.

Anyway I'm going to read a few more pages of content. I'll share any I find particularly striking.

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