Sunday, June 29, 2014

Anime Fan Art Challenge

Work has begun. I'm taking first this time. I know it. Set up my reference sheet already. (see below)

One full body shot for proportions,
A good posturre reference,
A few attitude shots,
One of the idea of the pose,
Then a beautiful drawing I found on google. 

This will be the style goal. Its a gorgeous and and graphic rendering that i want to emulate. I'm hoping to find a balance between realism and the grundgy in the dirt feeling of say "The Last of US". Full sculpting session editted up and coming at the end along with rendering and photoshop work.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Theme Picked

So I picked  a theme for my contest entry in the anime 3d fan art challenge.

So I looked for a few days for a good idea to come up with. In the past the prizes for the contest have included prints of the winners piece as a statue and that above most else has been my motivation. I wanted to come up with something I or anyone else would want as a statue. So I ran through some Ideas of Haku from spirited away. Nothing. Thought of an epic howl sculpt but decided to save it.

I want to win this time and so I looked to one of the more inspiring movies to help me find a winning concept. Better put I wanted to find and image that felt brave and in a sense proud. So finally I came across a Princess Mononoke image and I knew that was my winning piece. The image below sells it for me.

I can see it sitting on my desk. Proud. Tall like a trophy. I'm ready. Here are a few more of the concepts ill be hodpodging together for inspiration.
Beyond ready to tackle this effort.

Monday, June 23, 2014

My first lootcrate!

So I decided to subscribe to lootcrate and I am not disappointed in the least. The theme for this month was transform and it had a nice collection of stuff as well as an epic Transformers/back to the future themed shirt. Definitely glad I got the subscription.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Contests are upon us!

Today is jumping off to a good start. The newest contest by Rodrique Pralier is up and it is ready to get epic.
Titan 3D is sponsoring and its based on Studio Ghibli. (

So much amazingness for me to translate I dont know where to begin. Sketching up ideas tonight. Finishing up some extra work on some old commissions. and updating my Onenote notebooks. It's a good sunday.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Updating webistes and social networks.

Finishing up some commission work today. Took a moment to play a League of Legends match. Deviating from the topic of todays post, I have to say I love this game. Adding Riot Games ------------------>
to my list of studios I want to apply at in the near future.

Anyway, back to topic

Updating my website because it is serious time I start applying to places. I've seen a few listings I like and a few I love.
<-------------------------------------------- Ubisoft has a position I'd love out in Milan Italy. Beautiful country, work I'd love. No brainer right? Well I wish it was that simple. I know I can do whatever work they'd need me to but there is some fear on a personal level I guess. Not sure if its the idea of hitting my goals or moving suddenly.

That aside updates to the website are flowing smoothly actually. Ran into some coding problems. Facebooks iframe code and my website merge flawlessly but the twitter and pinterest code disappears after updating. So until i can get with my portfolios customer service to find a work around going to add a few different elements to spark interest till I can finally add work. Updating deviant to provide a better showcase as i roll out assets for sale. And polishing up the facebookpage to look more professional.

Thats all for today. Going to sit back send some emails and droll over some vfx breakdowns on

Night everyone.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fresh start

Fresh Start

Welcome to the inaugural post on my new blog.  The blog will be synced with my website . The purpose will be to provide articles, insights, and news on my work to anyone interested. All work in progress will still be uploaded to my Art of Wilbert Pierce Facebook. The blog will served for more polished concepts and rough previews.